Jada Fire, Tyla Wynn

 Jada Fire, Tyla Wynn
I've fucked plenty of black guys in my short life but I had to see what all the rage was about dominant black pussy. I'm normally strictly black dickly but there's something about the sensitivity of a woman that peaked my interest. I met up with Jada Fire whose huge fucking tits are as big as mine. The minute she started barking orders is when I knew this would be no ordinary lesbian lickfest. She nearly pulled my hair out from the roots as my screams were being muffled by the black strap on taking up room in my mouth. Jada had this look in her eyes that told me that my asshole was now her property and I was soon bent over the couch feeling this black woman's fury. My new ebony mistress was in total control and none of my holes were spared. I was given a brief time out as Jada's tongue worked overtime on my sensitive clit. She opened me wide up and her tongue did all the talking. I'm still sore from this little encounter and can't wait for the next one.
Format: Windows Media

Duration: 30:40

Video: 640x480, Microsoft MPEG-4 Video Codec V3

Audio: 54kbps
 Jada Fire, Tyla Wynn  Jada Fire, Tyla Wynn
 Jada Fire, Tyla Wynn  Jada Fire, Tyla Wynn
 Jada Fire, Tyla Wynn
File size: 882.7 MB
 Jada Fire, Tyla Wynn

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