Husbands Unaware Wife

 Husbands Unaware Wife
Cast: Esmi
Esmi has been a paralegal for Armando for several months. He is inappropriate with her all the time and he treats his wife who is a lawyer herself with her own practice across down, like shit. Every time she calls he tells me to tell her he is busy, hang up on her or just leave her on hold until she hangs up. She is always caught in the middle, while he makes sexual advances on her all day at the office. She is tired of dealing with him. His wife calls again and she decides to put her on speakerphone and go into his office. He is unaware that his wife is on speaker phone and he grabs Esmi and puts her up on the desk rubbing her legs and feet. Esmi plays along knowing that his wife is listening to his inappropriate advances and talking badly about his wife. Esmi puts her sweaty feet in his mouth and he continues to worship her feet while her bosses wife is silently listening in to his behavior at the office. Once Esmi thinks his wife has heard enough of his bullshit, Esmi tells him she quits. Armando's wife then speaks up letting Armando know what she is filing for a divorce and that she is offering Esmi a job at her firm starting Monday morning.
Format: Windows Media

Duration: 5:44

Video: 1920x1080, Windows Media Video V8

Audio: 62kbps
 Husbands Unaware Wife  Husbands Unaware Wife
 Husbands Unaware Wife  Husbands Unaware Wife
 Husbands Unaware Wife
File size: 209.8 MB
 Husbands Unaware Wife

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