Red Polka Dot Dress

 Red Polka Dot Dress
It's movie day! I can't wait to go to the theater and veg out with a tub of popcorn and a large soda. I just feel like it will help me get out of my head for a little while. So, I put on my charming if overflowing red dress with the little white polka dots and head towards the door. Johnny catches me before I make it to the staircase and wonders aloud why I am so over dressed for the movies. I explain my romantic notions and he wagers me that he could help me get out of my head for a lot less money without even leaving the house. I decide to take him up on his offer as long as he promises he will still take me to the movie later. So, Johnny gets out some stuff and leads me to the railing in the loft. He puts my collar on me and then secures my arms behind my back in a leather armbinder. Then, he has me sit down in front of the railing with my dress flowing over on both sides. He ties my legs from the ankles to the railing behind me, so I couldn't get up if I tried. Finally, he gives me the red harness ball had that you know I love oh so much. There that should do it. Johnny sits back with a free soda from the pantry and a bag of microwave popcorn to see how long it will take for his magic to work. And, he has the best seat in the house as he has a perfect view of my stockings and panties. Well, I don't know how long this clip turned out to be, but I can guarantee you it didn't take long for me to drift away. I think I owe Johnny a submissive night for this one!
Format: mp4

Duration: 7:42

Video: 1440x1080, AVC (H.264), 2106kbps

Audio: 153kbps
 Red Polka Dot Dress  Red Polka Dot Dress
 Red Polka Dot Dress  Red Polka Dot Dress
 Red Polka Dot Dress
File size: 127.8 MB
 Red Polka Dot Dress

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