Xxxx Milf

 Xxxx Milf
I have been lucky enough to take a grocery shopping trip all by myself on a Saturday morning. When I arrive back at the house, I find that an intruder has broken in to my home. I barely get in the door, before the masked invader grabs me and leads me into the living room. I'm wearing a casual t-shirt, jean shorts, socks and sneakers when I'm nabbed and quickly tied up in a tight hogtie with rope. Then, the unidentified man stuffs mouthpacking in my mouth and fastens it in place with a cleave gag. I'm left to struggle around on the floor as I presume to plot my escape. But, I'm hastily disturbed again. This time the man in the ski mask takes a knife and uses it to rip my shirt off as I curl back to try and avoid being cut by the knife. Not long after that he pulls down my shorts, so my skin tone bra and thong are now fully revealed. I keep trying to see a way to get away, but I am just tied too tight. I wrestle back and forth, making absolutely no progress on my escape, when he returns and pulls down my bra, so I am almost nude in front of him. A few minutes later, and my still unrecognized assailant backs out the door with a wry smile on his face. I sob as I wonder how long it will be before Johnny gets home to rescue me....
Format: mp4

Duration: 11:58

Video: 1440x1080, AVC (H.264), 2100kbps

Audio: 153kbps
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File size: 197.9 MB
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