Backyard Bondage Fun with Sybil - Part 1

 Backyard Bondage Fun with Sybil - Part 1
Sybil is kneeling, already bound. Her ankles are taped and wrapped to her thighs and her wrists are wrapped and taped to her upper arms. A huge black ballgag is shoved in her mouth. Now its time for her to get some exercise. I take her by her rope leash and take her for a walk around the yard. The way that she is taped, she's forced to walk on her knees and elbows. She's relieved when we get to the soft grass in the yard and off the rugged concrete. She's lagging behind, so I stop and smack her ass. We carry on around the outskirts of the yard. Once we get to the other end of the yard we stop and I smack her ass again. This time I just do it for fun. Sybil loves the excitement knowing that anytime someone could walk down the alley see her. I'm thankful as usual that no one does, lol. After walking the outer edge of the yard, we arrive back on the concrete pad surrounded by the garage and a high solid gate where no one can see in, unless they were to really try. I have Sybil wait for a few moments while I get some rope. I then remove her leg bindings and make her stand up under the basketball hoop. I tie her leash to the backboard. She just got her new ballet shoes and I want her to start getting used to standing in them. To not make it easy for her, I grope her tits through her satin blouse and then smack her ass as she whimpers and moans. I have a lot planned for Sybil, and I don't want her falling in those shoes, so I remove the neck rope and sit her on the ground and remove them. I stand her back up and tie the neckrope off tight, forcing her to stand on her tippy toes. I remove the wrap and tape from Sybil's arms, but leave her fingers taped. I then start binding her arms behind her back. Rope is also added above and below her tits, but before I complete the chest harness, I unbutton her blouse and pull her tits free. As I finish up the rope work, I tell her I'll give her a break from the neckrope, as by this point her calves are burning and she's really struggling to stay on her tippy toes. I give her a break, but its not quite what she expected. I grab her by her tits and pick her off the ground. I set her down so I can slap and squeeze her tits before I do it again. OK, after all that, I decide to be nice and I loosen her neckrope a little. I finish up a little ropework, before I start on her breast bondage. Each tit is bound nice and tight, and Sybil moans with each additional wrapping. Once her tits are tied and looking great, I remove her ballgag and she immediately thanks me for it. I walk off leaving her with drool runnng down her chin and her trying to loosen up her jaw. This is where Part 1 ends...
Format: mp4

Duration: 23:18

Video: 640x480, AVC (H.264), 2923kbps

Audio: 115kbps
 Backyard Bondage Fun with Sybil - Part 1  Backyard Bondage Fun with Sybil - Part 1
 Backyard Bondage Fun with Sybil - Part 1  Backyard Bondage Fun with Sybil - Part 1
 Backyard Bondage Fun with Sybil - Part 1
File size: 519.9 MB
 Backyard Bondage Fun with Sybil - Part 1

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