Exist To Serve

 Exist To Serve
Exist To Serve - Master James and His slave abigail love to have fun but M⁄s is not all about fun and games. Abigail has learned to be on her toes at all times whether shes making a meal and suddenly feels the sting of her Master's blow dart⁄pellet gun on her naked skin or taking a shower and suddenly challenged by a drastic temperature change. In this video, Master James sets up the camera just as the sun is beginning to rise and wakes His slave up from a deep sleep with her outfit of strict leather bondage laying before her to adorn. With sleep still in her eyes, He leads her to the whipping post and begins to challenge her with His buggery. Stinging whips, leather paddles, inflatable dildo, heavy rocks hung from her cunt piercings... enough to wake anyone up in the morning. Excellence is what is expected and excellence comes from knowing that the sometimes mundane tasks in life are a gift when not paired with mental and physical anguish.
Format: mp4

Duration: 52:45

Video: 1280x720, AVC (H.264), 1777kbps

Audio: 161kbps
 Exist To Serve  Exist To Serve
 Exist To Serve  Exist To Serve
 Exist To Serve
File size: 751.6 MB
 Exist To Serve

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