Klepto Bimbo in anguish

 Klepto Bimbo in anguish
There is only one thing that is worse than a thief and that is a thief who does it for sport. The whole town has suffered because of this tiny yet efficient klepto and while it is evident that this is not the first time she has stolen goods from hard working laymen, it is the first time she has been caught redhanded. Typically, the punishment for such a crime would be the immediate loss of a hand, but the man who caught her decided instead to prolong her punishment because of the damages she has accrued over the years. She is stripped of her clothing and her name and is given the number 626-132-779 instead, and in the middle of the night, Master James creates a display for all of the town to see by mornings first light. Chained to the pillar of pain by her wrists she is helpless as He makes a mockery of her using the fruits and vegetables she had greedily stowed away in her petticoats. He muffles her cries using the scolds bridal and a dark red beet in her mouth, two grapefruits are strapped to her bosom with the steel claw brassier and to make sure that no one has their way with this lust filled bimbo she is placed in a strict metal chastity belt. Her feet are kept firmly on the ground by knee brace shackles and a hobbling bar with chained ankle cuffs. Shamed and broken from the morning crowd that had come and gone she is in agony as the hot sun beats down on her pale skin. Master James returns to finish her off and make sure she has learned her lesson before leading her to the gallows where she is given a cold water shower and a single tail whipping across her sunburned and now wet flesh.
Format: mp4

Duration: 35:16

Video: 1920x1080, AVC (H.264), 6831kbps

Audio: 156kbps
 Klepto Bimbo in anguish  Klepto Bimbo in anguish
 Klepto Bimbo in anguish  Klepto Bimbo in anguish
 Klepto Bimbo in anguish
File size: 1.8 GB
 Klepto Bimbo in anguish

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