HT - A Sweet Butter - Tracey Sweet, Cyd Black

 HT - A Sweet Butter - Tracey Sweet, Cyd Black
Release Year: 2013

Cast: Tracey Sweet

Genres: BDSM, Extreme Bondage, Humiliation, Hardcore, Fetish, Domination

Video language: English
Tracy Sweet is a beautiful blonde looking for a good time. Her bondage adventure begins with a simple hog-tie and evolves into an intense predicament scenario.
The clamps on her nipples will conduct an electric charge and the controller box is very special. Instead of providing a steady shock the box is designed to go off if it detects any sounds louder than a whisper. The controller box and decibel sensor is placed next to her face.
She tries in vain to stifle her screams and moans of pleasure but the vibrator relentlessly buzzing on her clit makes the task impossible. The more orgasms she has the more shocks she gets.
Format: mp4

Duration: 45:14

Video: 1280x720, AVC (H.264), 7309kbps

Audio: 107kbps
 HT - A Sweet Butter - Tracey Sweet, Cyd Black  HT - A Sweet Butter - Tracey Sweet, Cyd Black
 HT - A Sweet Butter - Tracey Sweet, Cyd Black  HT - A Sweet Butter - Tracey Sweet, Cyd Black
 HT - A Sweet Butter - Tracey Sweet, Cyd Black
File size: 2.5 GB
 HT - A Sweet Butter - Tracey Sweet, Cyd Black

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