Dress Sexy - Artemis Faux

 Dress Sexy - Artemis Faux
London doesn't start Artemis with a warmup. She wants to hear him groan in pain from her first lash at him and she succeeds. But he doesn't seem to be enjoying it as much as he should. London knows from personal experience that pain feels better for a masochist who the masochist feels attractive, so London decides that Artemis would enjoy himself more if she replaced his boring athletic socks with some pretty heels. To make the heels fun she has placed bottle caps inside them so the balls of his feet will be pressed into the hard, sharp metal. He already seems to be enjoying himself more.

London secures Artemis to the stage with an anal lock and has Artemis dress in lingerie and stockings. He completes his makeup while she torments him with a cane and electricity. Artemis gets tougher the more girly he appears. This is no surprise to someone like London who knows that for a man to even get close to being as tough as a woman he has to take on the persona of one. He is then bent over a table and notices that he has not done as good a job grooming as she expects of her men. She proceeds to fix this problem by waxing the hair off his taint. He squirms and squeals as she rips hair in strips off his sensitive skin. When she is finally satisfied she rewards him with a hard spanking and an even harder caning. Finally London secures Artemis' cock and balls before she proceeds to vibrate and fuck his pristine, hairless ass.
Format: mp4

Duration: 43:41

Video: 1280x720, AVC (H.264), 7316kbps

Audio: 104kbps
 Dress Sexy - Artemis Faux  Dress Sexy - Artemis Faux
 Dress Sexy - Artemis Faux  Dress Sexy - Artemis Faux
 Dress Sexy - Artemis Faux
File size: 2.3 GB
 Dress Sexy - Artemis Faux

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