Vecchia scuola umiliazione

Vecchia scuola umiliazione
Release Year: 2019

Cast: Mistress Gaia

Video language: English
A girl goes to visit an old school friend to ask him for a job by Talking to says that desperate, that the husband has left her, and that is in urgent need of help. The girl wants to exploit the situation and tries to remind him of the old days, the boy, he understands and tells him, too late, at school you treated me badly , humiliated me etc.. The girl tells him that he was the loser but he wanted her and tells him do you remember how you always looked at my feet and legs? And a dangling begins, the boy looks fascinated. The girl laughs at him, and begins to humiliate him, the guy kneels to baciargli The feet, but the girl, laughing him away and tells him he must implore it, that must desire his feet as never before. The boy pleads with her and she laughs and says it's all too easy to put a foot on her to kiss. He tells him that now if he wants his feet, he must become his slave. And that you must keep it in luxury, the boy tells him that his wife never lets him go and that he is very jealous. The girl gets angry, slaps him and tells him that she does not give a damn give a damn, in fact, that he must immediately leave his wife and devote himself completely to her.
Format: mp4

Duration: 9:42

Video: 1280x720, AVC (H.264), 3491kbps

Audio: 211kbps
Vecchia scuola umiliazioneVecchia scuola umiliazione
Vecchia scuola umiliazioneVecchia scuola umiliazione
Vecchia scuola umiliazione
File size: 263.4 MB
Vecchia scuola umiliazione

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