Samantha Sterlyng & Shay Sights - Breathwatch

 Samantha Sterlyng & Shay Sights - Breathwatch
This stretch of sand is owned by a couple of curvaceous Femme-Dommes named Samantha and Shay, who don't take kindly to intruders. They bury the bastard in sand up to his neck. And they intend to keep him there until the tide rises and puts him out of their misery. (Incidentally, the water really did come dangerously close during filming. The ocean sounds do get a tad loud, though not so loud as to detract from the action.) While waiting for his watery end, they make sure that he's gonna stay smashing his head beneath their twats. Samantha, wearing ultra-brief denim cut-offs, really knows how to squish his noggin her butt. It's these kinds of men who made us turn lesbian! notes Shay as she uses her massive boobage to suffocate her victim. Samantha's approach to breast is just as nasty.
Format: mp4

Duration: 54:52

Video: 600x400, AVC (H.264), 1534kbps

Audio: 127kbps
 Samantha Sterlyng & Shay Sights - Breathwatch  Samantha Sterlyng & Shay Sights - Breathwatch
 Samantha Sterlyng & Shay Sights - Breathwatch  Samantha Sterlyng & Shay Sights - Breathwatch
 Samantha Sterlyng & Shay Sights - Breathwatch
File size: 669.9 MB
 Samantha Sterlyng & Shay Sights - Breathwatch

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