Chloe presses buttons on a water sprinkler timer... (2013)

 Chloe presses buttons on a water sprinkler timer... (2013)
Niches: BDSM

... to set its on and off time then she straddles a rope that is tied to the ceiling behind her and in front it goes up and over a pulley on the ceiling to a large water bottle where the hose from the sprinkler timer has been inserted in its neck. Chloe adjusts the placement of rope that runs over her crotch then placers her hands into leather self tightening cuffs and pulls on them to tighten them around her wrists and can not escape then waits nervously. After what seems way too long the timer switches on and water and it slowly fills the water bottle pulling her crotch rope tighter and tighter into her sex until the timer stops the flow of water. With every small movement Chloe makes to alleviate her discomfort the crotch rope pulls ever tighter making her on to her tip toes and when she thinks things couldnt get any worse cold water suddenly starts to spray over Chloe making her scream and struggle to escape as her thin cotton top become transparent and her nipples erect with the cold water.

Format: mp4
Resolution: 1920x1080

 Chloe presses buttons on a water sprinkler timer... (2013)

 Chloe presses buttons on a water sprinkler timer... (2013)

Total size: 384.5 MB in 2 files.
 Chloe presses buttons on a water sprinkler timer... (2013)

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