I get 600 feet of Rope and a Serene for My Birthday! Parts 1-3

 I get 600 feet of Rope and a Serene for My Birthday! Parts 1-3
Cast: Serene Isley

Serene waits with her wrists and ankles bound and tied together under a chair. She's wearing a party hat and is festively gagged with a racket ball with a party favor inserted. Her nose is taped f her to breather through her mouth. As she does, The party favor extends out and then in. She is wearing shiny spandex stripper wear and nipple clamps, which are tied to a bag sitting on the floor by her feet. I walk into my shop and am surprised to find Serene there! I know right away that she is a Bday gift. The party hat gives it away. I fondle and examine my gift for a bit. I follow the string from the clamps to the bag and read the tag on the bag. My good friend David has gotten me a Serene...

Format: mp4
Video: 640x480

 I get 600 feet of Rope and a Serene for My Birthday! Parts 1-3

 I get 600 feet of Rope and a Serene for My Birthday! Parts 1-3

 I get 600 feet of Rope and a Serene for My Birthday! Parts 1-3

Total size: 1.4 GB in 3 files.
 I get 600 feet of Rope and a Serene for My Birthday! Parts 1-3

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