Emily, Gia, Kourtney and Jovana - Private Clinic

 Emily, Gia, Kourtney and Jovana - Private Clinic
One sick patient comes in a private clinic. He goes into the room with four waiting nurses. They put him on the bed and he is stunned. The nurses have their own method to heal the patient and tell him that all is in his head. They will prove him that after their therapy he will get out with the other problems. Larger than before. And he will forget previous disease. The hospital slogan is Come sick, get out sicker. The nurses are Emily, Gia, Kourtney and Jovana.
Format: Windows Media

Duration: 8:13

Video: 1280x720, Windows Media Video 9, 4745kbps

Audio: 375kbps
 Emily, Gia, Kourtney and Jovana - Private Clinic  Emily, Gia, Kourtney and Jovana - Private Clinic
 Emily, Gia, Kourtney and Jovana - Private Clinic  Emily, Gia, Kourtney and Jovana - Private Clinic
 Emily, Gia, Kourtney and Jovana - Private Clinic
File size: 310.0 MB
 Emily, Gia, Kourtney and Jovana - Private Clinic

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