Obey Nikita - Good Boot BoY

 Obey Nikita - Good Boot BoY
A good boot boi is patient, never talks back to its Owner, does whatever it's told to do, accepts and embraces its proper place on the floor well beneath the dirt on my soles, and lives to hear me say its 3 favorite words: lick my boots! Quite simple really. Why do so many fail to grasp the concept of true submission? Those that do get rewarded with so many wonderful things - the scent of my leather gloves and the taste of my tall leather boots. They get to suck the heel like the true boot whores they are and clean the filth from my beautiful red soles. Perhaps I might allow them to savor my spit while they beg me to worship my boots some more. It's good to have purpose in life. Such a shame most never find it.
Format: mp4

Duration: 10:20

Video: 1920x1080, AVC (H.264), 3654kbps

Audio: 184kbps
 Obey Nikita - Good Boot BoY  Obey Nikita - Good Boot BoY
 Obey Nikita - Good Boot BoY  Obey Nikita - Good Boot BoY
 Obey Nikita - Good Boot BoY
File size: 290.7 MB
 Obey Nikita - Good Boot BoY

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