Runt The Cunt | Barbed Wire Wrap

 Runt The Cunt | Barbed Wire Wrap
Genres: BDSM, Bondage, Sadism & Masochism, Corporal Punishment, Torture

Video language: English
Runt the Cunt comes up with ideas for her own torture. Of course, once she does that she quickly wonders why she would to that because invariably those ideas become instruments of agony. We also know the little bitch loves being abused with barbed wire. She usually helps wrap it around herself. All those things happened here. Once the slut is wrapped in the biting barbed wire she is further tortured with clamps on her slutty nipples. She begs and cries and tries to get out of the torment, but that never really works in HELL! Runt the Cunt deservers pain, that's why she comes up with these ideas and that is why she is in HELL!
Format: real

Duration: 22:57

Video: 720x480, RV40

Audio: 43kbps
 Runt The Cunt | Barbed Wire Wrap  Runt The Cunt | Barbed Wire Wrap
 Runt The Cunt | Barbed Wire Wrap  Runt The Cunt | Barbed Wire Wrap
 Runt The Cunt | Barbed Wire Wrap
File size: 74.8 MB
 Runt The Cunt | Barbed Wire Wrap

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