Chairtied - Dr. Cupcakes goes on Vacation with Dixon Mason

 Chairtied - Dr. Cupcakes goes on Vacation with Dixon Mason
Dr. Cupcakes is on vacation, but he has an insatiable thirst for knowledge which can only come from experimenting. His latest subject is Dixon mason. She is surprised to find herself hanging upside down from a makeshift bondage frame made of steel, 4x4's and 2x6's bolted together. When she starts to make to much noise, she is gagged with an entire roll of vetwrap and then a wrap or 2 of black tape. He starts slapping her ass. He spins her and examines his captive before spanking her again and again. He then gropes her tits, pulling them free from her shirt. He then snips away her shirt with scissors, then her shorts get the same treatment. Now Dixon gets her ass slapped again and again, but without the protection the white denim provided earlier.
Format: mp4

Duration: 25:51

Video: 1280x720, AVC (H.264), 2916kbps

Audio: 120kbps
 Chairtied - Dr. Cupcakes goes on Vacation with Dixon Mason  Chairtied - Dr. Cupcakes goes on Vacation with Dixon Mason
 Chairtied - Dr. Cupcakes goes on Vacation with Dixon Mason  Chairtied - Dr. Cupcakes goes on Vacation with Dixon Mason
 Chairtied - Dr. Cupcakes goes on Vacation with Dixon Mason
File size: 576.4 MB
 Chairtied - Dr. Cupcakes goes on Vacation with Dixon Mason

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