Pizza Shits In My Jeans FHD

 Pizza Shits In My Jeans FHD
Release Year: 2015

Genres: coprophilia dirty scatophilia puke vomit uncensored
Thank you so much for bring this pizza home for me, I am starving. So if I do not talk because I am so hungry, this pizza is great. Wait a minute is this cheese? Shit you know I am lactose and tolerant I am going to be farting all day now, but I guess if you don't care I will just keep eating it. As I am finishing my last few bites, my stomach starts to hurt and I start farting. Sorry If there wasn't cheese on this I would be fine. I keep farting and they start to get messy and wet. I hope they are just going to be farts, I stand up and realize I have to shit. Do they have a restroom here? Oh it's to late I shit my jeans, yes I shit my pants! Look and see how bad it is, I pull them down and my orange cotton panties are dirty and filled with poop. I hope that's it, nope there is more I poop more into my pants, and to top it all of I pee myself also getting so embarrassed and mad at you. this is your fault! No I can't sit down, why should I? I sit down and the poop and pee squish together making a mess, I pull down my jeans. You suggest that I masturbate with the poop inside, so I do and realize how much I enjoy it. I squish and grind the poop in and orgasm. Thanking you for a great experience!
Format: mp4

Duration: 16:02

Video: 1920x1080, AVC (H.264), 8017kbps
 Pizza Shits In My Jeans FHD  Pizza Shits In My Jeans FHD
 Pizza Shits In My Jeans FHD  Pizza Shits In My Jeans FHD
 Pizza Shits In My Jeans FHD
File size: 1.1 GB
 Pizza Shits In My Jeans FHD

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